The Scientific Committee accepted 451 papers for the HB 2000 Congress which are all in the HB 2000 Proceedings containing over 2700 pages. They are available as printed books or CD ROM in Adobe’s pdf format. The CD ROM offers advanced and quick search possibilities. The Table of contents, keyword and author indexes are hyperlinked to the papers. In addition, you can search for any word in the papers. The papers can be printed and the text copied to clipboard.
Prices are;
Proceedings CD ROM (contains Volumes 1-4) and Workshop Summaries Report EUR 100,
Surface postage EUR 9 (Europe) and EUR 16 (outside Europe)
Complete set of Proceedings (Volumes 1-4) and Workshop Summaries EUR 150,
Surface postage EUR 32 (Europe) and EUR 50 (outside Europe)
Vol 1. Exposure, Human Responces and Building Investigations EUR 60,
Surface postage EUR 16 (Europe) and EUR 25 (outside Europe)
Vol 2. Desing and Operation of HVAC Systems EUR 60,
Surface postage EUR 16 (Europe) and EUR 25 (outside Europe)
Vol 3. Microbes, Moisture and Building Physics EUR 60,
Surface postage EUR 16 (Europe) and EUR 25 (outside Europe)
Vol 4. Materials, Desing and Construction EUR 60,
Surface postage EUR 16 (Europe) and FIM 25 (outside Europe)
Workshop Summaries Report EUR 33, including surface postage
You can order the Proceedings from the organizing committee
Attn: Ms. Leila Sarajärvi
P.O. Box 25
FIN-02131 ESPOO, Finland
Phone: +358 9 4355 560
Telefax: +358 9 4355 5655
e-mail: [email protected]
Please include your name, company, address and payment information.